Learn how to
attract, receive
and keep more!

Lifetime Access To 9 Trauma-Informed Money Lessons And 12 Months Of LIVE Coaching With Leading Financial Adviser Catherine Morgan


Learn how to attract, 
receive and keep more!

Lifetime Access To 9 Trauma-Informed Money Lessons & 12 Months Of LIVE Coaching With Leading Financial Adviser Catherine Morgan 

You already have everything it takes to be a wealthy woman
But somewhere along the way you’ve learnt that wealth, money and success is not yours for the taking. And that created a subconscious belief in you that there’s not enough. Your work’s not enough. You’re not enough. 
So you find yourself in never-ending cycles of emotional spending, over-planning, over-giving, under-charging and over-delivering. 
And even though you’re making money in your business…
  • ​You have a strong sense of anxiety that it is never enough
  • ​You find yourself pushing hard just to pay the bills at the end of each month 
  • ​You don’t know how to avoid the do do do energy that you know leads to burnout 
  • ​You feel embarrassed to talk about your financial situation with others 
  • ​​You know there’s some sort of link between your self-worth and how you treat money, but you don’t know what it is or where to even begin sorting this out
Here's what you 
really want...
  • ​To finally break the cycles of feast and famine so you can plan your week, months and years and know you can pay your bills and go on holiday without the fear of running out of money
  • ​To push past your current income plateau without having to work harder than you already do 
  • ​To bust the beliefs that have kept you in lack for so long and create healthier life-long wealth habits that stick - and that you can pass onto your children. 
If you’re ready to reach your big money goals…

"It's A Wonderful Community Of Safety & Security...I had My Best August in 15 Years."


Let me show you how


Get simple steps to move out of scarcity & into an abundance mindset so you can start making the money you desire & truly deserve
Learn the daily energetic practices to help you attract more money and the practical strategies to put in place so you can hold more
Heal the unconscious beliefs that link your self-worth with how you treat money so that you can start to build lasting wealth for your future




Get simple steps to move out of scarcity & into an abundance mindset so you can start making the money you desire & truly deserve
Learn the daily energetic practices to help you attract more money and the practical strategies to put in place so you can hold more
Heal the unconscious beliefs that link your self-worth with how you treat money so that you can start to build lasting wealth for your future


Claire went from money being hard to DOUBLING her monthly nursing income

Claire McDowell

"Within 4 weeks I made £1600 per month in recurring revenue" 

Anna Khanna

"I no longer feel scared"

Jay-Anne Dingwall

I doubled my salary and started making investments

Ann Diment

"I doubled my prices from £2,100 to £5k!"

lizzy Bernthal

"I'm not frightened of money any more"

Heather Fitton

" I transformed my energy and ethos, given me so much clarity in my business"

Emma Wright

"The most supportive group I've ever been in. I've increased my prices already after 2 months, opened my business account and started saving!"

Lynn Holmes

"It has enabled me to move into my author identity. I was hiding. Now I believe in myself. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.”

Carolyn parker

"Our turnover has increased by 10-15%. The toolkits are life-changing. The profit maximiser is so easy to use and far less masculine."

Caroline Chilley

“I feel so much safety in my body that I am deserving of more money.”

Kelly Botham

"I feel much more aware and in control of my money. I know how to deal with money leaks, I have started investing and I feel fully protected financially for myself and my family. The shared experience with other women in the school and knowing you are not alone, create a great sense of community"

Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)



The Wealthy Woman School®

Learn the proven Step into Wealth® method that got me out of £30k of debt and into a business that makes consistent £30-50k months

Here’s What Is Waiting For You Inside...

Lifetime Access 9 Module Video Training

Immediate access to our online curriculum that takes you step-by-step through the exact methodology 
to heal your money trauma and create a financially abundant life.

An entire wealth management curriculum split into 9 
easy-to-digest video modules.  

Practical Wealth-Growth Teachings

A full suite of powerful video trainings on an app so you can learn on the go-to guide you through the proven 
Wealthy Woman School® methodology.

Money Mindset Growth, Somatic Tools & Meditations

We show you how to use EFT (Tapping) to rewire your unconscious and reset your relationship with money.

These tools help you to integrate your past, present and future selves to create a powerful Wealthy Woman mindset.

By engaging your unconscious and imagination with your conscious behaviours…you literally create connections in your brain to turn your visions into reality.

Personalised Money Management Dashboard

Your bespoke money management dashboard to plan, organise and manage your money with ease.

Discover your financial freedom number so you never run out of money and create a feeling of safety and certainty of what you are working towards rather than everything being guesswork.

When you keep track of where all of your money is coming in and going out, you become completely in control of your financial future. so that you can quickly pay down debts, increase saving pots AND give you the money you need to enjoy your life right now. 

How Abigail effortlessly increased her prices

How Claire broke the  recurring cycle of credit card debt & doubled her income

Lesson 1

how to SHIFT your money beliefs and TO CHARGE YOUR WORTH + Wealth re-imprinting AUDIO

Discover what core money beliefs and generational patterns are sabotaging your way to wealth. 

Use the Wealth re-imprinting activation to tap away the negative energy around money from your body. 

Lesson 2

how to CreatE wealthy woman goals & STRATEGIES that actually stick + Goal Trauma release audio

Learn how to be a great receiver so that we can honour and value money.

Explore the Goal Trauma Toolkit to help you heal the sabotaging part of you

Experience a powerful release before exploring the goal trauma tool kit)

3 Strategies to save more for the future 

What’s Inside The Step Into Wealth® Curriculum?

module 1

How To Charge More By Shifting Your Money Beliefs

In this module you will learn:

  • Heal generational patterns that are sabotaging your ability to hold money 
  • 'Tap away’ the negative energy around money from your body using EFT
  • Learn my Money Narratives Clearing® Method to activate abundant money beliefs
  • ​Learn the life-altering skill of healing your own trauma

"I doubled my monthly nursing income” 

Being in The Wealthy Woman School® has given me the confidence to fully focus on my coaching business, which quickly doubled my income. The light bulb moment for me was that I don't have to live in generational patterns of holding onto money,  and overspending. It was all changeable when I understood where it came from.

Claire McDowell
(Divorce Coach)

module 2

How To Implement Wealth creation Strategies That Actually Stick 

In this module you will learn:

  • How to heal goal traumas and make reaching your goals inevitable
  • ​How to become a ‘receiver’ so you call in more money 
  • ​How to call in the future you truly desire
  • ​To heal your money blocks with my Goal Trauma Toolkit that you can use over and over again as new beliefs re-surface (new level new devil!)
  • ​Three proven money strategies to successfully save more money for your future
“I have extra money coming in that I can partly use to pay down my credit cards”

I now have spare money to put into pots and for the first time I have a financial security fund and don’t feel constantly worried.

Rebecca Bull

module 3

Releasing Shame Around Debt TO Pay It Off Fast 

In this module you will learn:

  • Release the shame around debt so that you can finally clear the money blocks that are keeping you stuck in over-spending debt cycles
  • Download the Emotional Debt Elimination Clearing Meditation
  • Implement the ​5 steps to create a better relationship with debt 
  • Learn the faster 4 debt pay-off strategies 
  • ​Learn 6 money-making strategies you can use immediately to unlock more money into your savings pots
"I’ve begun an online membership from which I’ve already earned £405 in the first month!"

Since I started WWS I’ve moved my Yoga business online and have developed semi-passive income streams to grow without extra work from myself. 

Roz Bagg

module 4

Practical tools to Hold Onto More Money

In this module you will learn:

  • Action your current financial position using the Money Management Dashboard so you can hold onto more money with simple planning and forecasting 
  • Strategies to help you multiply money 
  • ​The best money management strategy for YOU depending on your exact Money StoryType®
  • ​Wealth Accumulation Tapping Track so that you can clear negative beliefs that come up when you start looking at your numbers
  • ​Includes Your Wealthy Woman Music Playlist - a selection of tracks to help you fall in love with money 
"Had a really productive hour working on how to grow my wealth!"
In 10 weeks, I’ve gone from feeling really uncomfortable talking about money to having ‘finance Fridays’ where I’m now taking control of my money.

Tash Tice

module 5

Expand Your Earning Capacity 

In this module you will learn:

  • How to safely expand your income ceiling to hold more wealth 
  • ​How to clear the 3 biggest wealth blocks 
  • ​How to heal the 4 trauma responses to increase your window of tolerance so you’re not constantly reacting to triggers
  • ​How to feel safe when calling in more money with the powerful “Energy of Money” exercise 
  • How to raise your wealth comfort zone through a powerful Money Expansion Activation
"I don’t feel bad about myself anymore, especially in relation to money. I feel proud!"

I use the tapping tools when I drop back into old habits - what a fantastic tool!

Heather Fitton

module 6

Create more Financial Freedom 

In this module you will learn:

  • The EXACT money pots you need to create a mindset of abundance
  • The 4 pots I personally use to grow wealth and build a multi-6-figure profit business
  • ​How to structure your business finances to avoid the feast and famine cycles 
  • Where to store money for long-term financial abundance
  • ​How to create more profit in your business (this system is what enabled me to create a multi-6-figure PROFIT business)
 "I've been focusing on investing in my future self, and got a 25% return straightaway!"

I've changed how I look at money. Instead of putting money into savings and holding onto it, I've been re-evaluating how I use that money. 

What Catherine has helped me to do is re-focus my relationship with money into recognising the abundance and wealth that I already have.

Ann Diment  

module 7

Create Consistent Cash Flow months in your business

In this module you will Learn:

  • A fun exercise that instantly created an extra £3K/month for one of my clients
  • ​How to create multiple streams of income so that money flows into your business with more ease
  • ​Time Exercise to unlock hidden money and more revenue
  • The REAL secret to cashflow (hint: it’s not just about “managing” your money)
  • ​​How to leverage existing business assets for increased revenue 
  • ​How to clear limiting beliefs that are holding you back from creating recurring revenue
 "After the first session I put away £2,700 in 10 days."

January will be my biggest month in revenue ever. I now have more purchases for myself now but from a place of love because I AM WORTHY and deserve them. We have overshot our target in January by 50% and literally what has changed is me. This is 100% down to working with Catherine.

Sophie Deardon

module 8

Strategies To Create More Time Freedom 

In this module you will learn:

  • The Full Freedom Framework to scale your business to 7-figures 
  • ​How to create more time to allow you to make more money
  • Release the money blocks that are holding you back from creating your dream business 
I’ve hit my first sales target in 2 years!

It’s not one big thing, but a little improvement in all the things.

Sarah Cornforth

module 9

How To Expand Your Wealth With Ease

In this module you will learn:

  • Clear hidden money blocks around saving or investing that are holding you back from generating more personal wealth
  • ​​How to get started with investing (investing is NOT just for the rich!)
"I found £645 a month in my spending to redirect to investments!"

I’m feeling so in control of my finances!

Jennie Bright

Lesson 1

how to SHIFT your money beliefs and TO CHARGE YOUR WORTH + Wealth re-imprinting AUDIO

Discover what core money beliefs and generational patterns are sabotaging your way to wealth. 

Use the Wealth re-imprinting activation to tap away the negative energy around money from your body. 

Lesson 2

how to CreatE wealthy woman goals & STRATEGIES that actually stick + Goal Trauma release audio

Learn how to be a great receiver so that we can honour and value money.

Explore the Goal Trauma Toolkit to help you heal the sabotaging part of you

Experience a powerful release before exploring the goal trauma tool kit)

3 Strategies to save more for the future 

What’s Inside The Step Into Wealth® Curriculum?

module 1

How To Charge More By Shifting Your Money Beliefs

In this module you will:

  • Heal generational patterns that are sabotaging your ability to hold money 
  • 'Tap away’ the negative energy around money from your body using EFT
  • Learn my Money Narratives Clearing® Method to activate abundant money beliefs
  • ​Learn the life-altering skill of healing your own trauma

"I doubled my monthly nursing income” 

Being in The Wealthy Woman School® has given me the confidence to fully focus on my coaching business, which quickly doubled my monthly nursing income.

The light bulb moment for me was that I don't have to live in generational patterns of holding on to money, and overspending. It was all changeable when I understood where it came from.

Claire McDowell
(Divorce Coach)

module 2

How To Create Wealth Goals & Strategies That Actually Stick 

In this module you will:

  • How to heal goal traumas and make reaching your goals inevitable
  • ​How to become a ‘receiver’ so you call in more money 
  • ​How to call in the future you truly desire
  • ​To heal your money blocks with my Goal Trauma Toolkit that you can use over and over again as new beliefs re-surface (new level new devil!)
  • ​Three proven money strategies to successfully save more money for your future
“I have extra money coming in that I can partly use to pay down my credit cards”

I now have spare money to put into pots and for the first time I have a financial security fund and don’t feel constantly worried.

Rebecca Bull

module 3

Release Shame Around Debt to Pay It Off Fast 

In this module you will:

  • Release the shame around debt so that you can finally clear the money blocks that are keeping you stuck in over-spending debt cycles
  • Download the Emotional Debt Elimination Clearing Meditation
  • Implement the ​5 steps to create a better relationship with debt 
  • Learn the faster 4 debt pay-off strategies 
  • ​Learn 6 money-making strategies you can use immediately to unlock more money into your savings pots
I’ve begun an online membership from which I’ve already earned £405 in the first month!

Since I started WWS I’ve moved my Yoga business online and have developed semi-passive income streams that grow without extra work from myself. 

Roz Bagg

module 4

Hold More Money

In this module you will:

  • Action your current financial position using the Money Management Dashboard so you can hold onto more money with simple planning and forecasting 
  • Strategies to help you multiply money 
  • ​The best money management strategy for YOU depending on your exact Money StoryType®
  • ​Wealth Accumulation Tapping Track so that you can clear negative beliefs that come up when you start looking at your numbers
  • ​Includes Your Wealthy Woman Music Playlist - a selection of tracks to help you fall in love with money 
I had a really productive hour working on how to grow my wealth!

In the space of 10 weeks I’ve gone from feeling really uncomfortable talking about money to having ‘finance Fridays’ where I’m now taking control of my money.

Tash Tice

module 5

Expand Your Earning Capacity

In this module you will:

  • How to safely expand your income ceiling to hold more wealth 
  • ​How to clear the 3 biggest wealth blocks 
  • ​How to heal the 4 trauma responses to increase your window of tolerance so you’re not constantly reacting to triggers
  • ​How to feel safe when calling in more money with the powerful “Energy of Money” exercise 
  • How to raise your wealth comfort zone through a powerful Money Expansion Activation
"I don’t feel bad about myself anymore, especially in relation to money."

I use the tapping tools when I drop back into old habits - what a fantastic tool!

Heather Fitton

module 6


In this module you will:

  • The EXACT money pots you need to create a mindset of abundance
  • The 4 pots I personally use to grow wealth and build a multi-6-figure profit business
  • ​How to structure your business finances to avoid the feast and famine cycles 
  • Where to store money for long-term financial abundance
  • ​How to create more profit in your business (this system is what enabled me to create a multi-6-figure PROFIT business)
 I've been focusing on investing in my future self, and got a 25% return straightaway! 

I've changed how I look at money. Instead of putting money into savings and holding onto it, I've been re-evaluating how I use that money. 

What Catherine has helped me to do is re-focus my relationship with money into recognising the abundance and wealth that I already have.

Ann Diment 

module 7

Create Consistent Cash Flow MonthS

In this module you will:

  • A fun exercise that instantly created an extra £3K/month for one of my clients
  • ​How to create multiple streams of income so that money flows into your business with more ease
  • ​Time Exercise to unlock hidden money and more revenue
  • The REAL secret to cashflow (hint: it’s not just about “managing” your money)
  • ​​How to leverage existing business assets for increased revenue 
  • ​How to clear limiting beliefs that are holding you back from creating recurring revenue
 "After the first session I put away £2,700 in 10 days & we overshot our target in January by 50%" 

January will be my biggest month in revenue ever. I now have more purchases for myself now but from a place of love because I AM WORTHY and deserve them. What has changed is me. This is 100% down to working with Catherine.

Sophie Deardon

module 8

Strategies To Create More 
Time Freedom 

In this module you will:

  • The Full Freedom Framework to scale your business to 7-figures 
  • ​How to create more time to allow you to make more money
  • Release the money blocks that are holding you back from creating your dream business 
I’ve hit my first sales target in 2 years!

It’s not one big thing, but a little improvement in all the things.

Sarah Cornforth

module 9

How To Expand Your Wealth With Ease

In this module you will:

  • Clear hidden money blocks around saving or investing that are holding you back from generating more personal wealth
  • ​​How to get started with investing (investing is NOT just for the rich!)
I found £645 per month in my spending to redirect to investments.

I’m feeling so in control of my finances!

Jennie Bright


12 Months LIVE Group Mentoring 
With Catherine 

Each month, we'll come together for a powerful 60-minute energetic money healing and Q&A session to dive deep into your relationship with money.
As a group, we'll work to uncover hidden limiting beliefs around receiving and holding money and I’ll guide you to create new, more freeing ones, paving the way for the practical money-making strategies to genuinely boost your wealth.

#1 - Value £5,000

Access to our Money Magnet Formula™ Course

Want to attract more clients into your business in the next 30 days? 

The Money Magnet Formula Course gives you my step-by-step system and practical strategies for attracting more clients. 
Lesson 1 - Know where you are heading

Lesson 2 - Know who you are calling in (Ideal Client)

Lesson 3 - Know your strategy to attract more clients

Lesson 4 - Know your pricing, your worth & your process

#2 - Value £997 

How To Pay Off Debts Fast Bundle

Making money is one thing but it’s hard to enjoy it, or grow it further with mounting debt bubbling away in the background. 

The aim of the Wealthy Woman School is to help make money feel safe - and to do that, you first need to release the shame you feel around debt. 

This bundle gives you 6 short videos packed with expert finance tips to help you pay down debts fast as well as 3 powerful audio recordings to guide you through the mindset shifts you need to finally get free of debt.

#3 - Value £450 

Profit Planner Cash Maximiser 

Sick of relentless cycles of feast and famine? 

Get your hands on my easy Money Forecast Planner Template to help you map out your income streams, forecast your months and maximise the profits you pay yourself. 

It’s the same template we’ve been using for the past 6 years inside our own business that’s helped us grow steadily to multi-six-figures. 

#4 - Value £497

TOTAL £6944

INSTANT ACCESS to 24 Months of Workshops

Access to over 24 hours of powerful previously live-taught topics FREE including: 

#5 - VALUE - £3,000

  • Pinpointing and purging your biggest money fears
  • ​The 5 critical numbers to know in your business
  • Crack your first $5k recurring revenue months
  • EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Session
  • ​How To Heal Money Battles With Your Partner
  • ​Surpassing Your Energetic Money Ceiling
  • ​Unlock Your First £5k Recurring Revenue Months
  • ​The 5 Crucial Numbers To Know In Your Business
  • Breaking The Cycle of Shame Around Money
  • ​How to Overcome Emotional Overspending Cycles
  • Healing Through Ancestral Money Wisdom
  • Surpassing Your Current Energetic Income
  • ​End Of Year Reflections And Wealth Upgrading
  • ​How To Make More Money Using Money Storytypes
  • ​Mastering The 50/30/20 Budgeting Method
  • ​Unlock Your Visibility Fears To Make More Money





(Save £248)

Get a 60 min BONUS 1:1 call with one of Catherine Morgan’s Certified Financial Coaches valued at £250



 £305 pm

(9 consecutive months) 

Choose our easy extended payment plan option and pay for your Wealthy Woman School over 9 consecutive months

If, within 14 days of purchase, you decide that it's not for you, just let me know and I'll refund 100% of your payment - no questions asked, no hard feelings, and nothing but well wishes. That's how confident I am in the quality of this programme! So if you try it out and it isn't for you, then nothing is lost.

Our community results...

Invest In Full And Get…

1:1 Personalised Financial Coaching 60-Minute Call With A Certified Financial Coach 

Your coach will help you implement everything that you will be learning by creating a tailored plan to help you to get fast results with gentle support.

(Value £250)




(Save £248)

Get a 60 min BONUS 1:1 call with one of Catherine Morgan’s Certified Financial Coaches valued at £250



 £305 pm

(9  consecutive months) 

Choose our easy extended payment plan option and pay for your Wealthy Woman School over 9 consecutive months

Hi I'm Catherine Morgan

Hi, I am Catherine Morgan, multi-award-winning Trauma informed Certified Financial Coach, Qualified Financial Adviser, Certified Practitioner in NLP,  Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Financial Abuse Specialist ®, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner, Matrix Reimprinting Practioner and a Trauma of Money Method ® Facilitator. 

I made my first Millionaire by age 40.

I am a #1 Amazon best seller and host of the Global top 0.5% podcast ‘It's not about the money' on a mission to help women normalise wealth.


Exactly 10 years ago I was living on the little island of Jersey for the very first time.

And I was living in my overdraft. Every. Single. Month. 

Earning a high income but with no savings to show for it. 
I earnt, overspent, went into my overdraft, earnt, overspent, went into my overdraft. A repeated cycle of debt and shame.

I was an emotional over-spender, in thousands of pounds of crippling debt, and battling my own self-limiting beliefs daily.

All of this was only able to change once I knew the practical steps to manage my emotions around money. 

And you can do this too!

Featured In...

Featured In...

“I don't feel like I'm running towards self sabotage any more”

"I love that Catherine thinks outside the box…that really drew me to work with her. There's a sweet space for strategy, and getting things done. And there's also a space for feminine and being and resting and recharging and reflecting and those are the things that really I haven't done in the past."

Jay-Anne Dingwall

What would it look like…

To have your current financial situation completely turn around?

Would you buy a new home or a fancy car? Pay all your bills and have actual savings in the bank? Or maybe you’d just stop worrying about how you’re going to pay your next tax bill?

The Wealthy Woman School® gives you access to financial experts, practical strategies and emotional tools to transform your financial situation - from the inside out.
By recognising and releasing the unconscious blocks driving your current money behaviour, you’ll learn to finally feel comfortable attracting, receiving and holding more money. 

It’s all possible for you. 

Let me show you how...

What Others say...

"I didn't have to worry where to get the money from..."

When i began this journey in 2018 to shifting from debt into wealth creation and abundance, I was lacking the financial skills to make every pound work for me rather than me continually working for it. I had consistent overdraft, credit card bills and zero savings. I have now cleared all overdraft, halved my credit card bills and saved over £150 per month on my mortgage. I have a healthy start to my savings fund and have many little pots. I didn't have to worry where to get the money from as there was a pot filled with money for such surprises. I have even begun to invest and in a short space of time, that little pot is growing well. 

- Rekha Rampersad

"I know you truly want the best for me..."

As money can be a difficult topic to discuss and one people usually feel embarrassed by, you change that for people like me. You don’t judge. You just listen and support in any way you can. I know you truly want the best for me which is so lovely.

- Laura Moss

"Catherine helps me get underneath my fears..."

Working with Catherine has helped me to take back control of my finances. Her blend of coaching and expert advice is perfectly suited to what I need right now. She helps me get underneath my fears and helps me to understand my unconscious spending drivers. This has helped to put me in a more empowered position to make decisions on my spending. She has introduced me to practical tools that inform me so that I have visibility where I was previously in the dark. I am feeling empowered and proactive around my finances for the first time (I'm 43!!!). 

-  Caroline Doran


What wealth looks like for you...


"Her focus on wealth is so 
much more than money."

I’ve not only ensured I’m protected for all eventualities but it’s given me the ability to focus on my future through a wealth plan. I can see how my actions impact my goals as well as helping me achieve them quicker. It gives a different dimension for you to consider. She has a refreshing and reality-focused way of working with her clients and as a result, I’m excited about my future. 

Dawn McGruer - Business Coach

“What Catherine's helped me to do is refocus my relationship with money into recognising the abundance and wealth that I already have.”

I’ve learned how to give all my money a purpose. I’ve learned to detach my sense of self from what I earn, and to refocus my relationship with money. And it really isn't about the money.  It's about who you see how you feel about yourself.  And using money as a tool, rather than as something that you identify as.

Ann Diment - EFT Coach

“I'm owning my worth much more and 
I've increased my fees for my coaching.”

It’s been really useful to acknowledge that our beliefs are from other people in our lives and it is generational. I've unpacked lots of stuff from the past and it’s been so enlightening. Since being in The Wealthy Woman School, I'm owning my worth much more and I've increased my fees for my coaching.”

Dr Lizzy Bernthal - Corporate Resilience Coach

Frequently asked questions

 What makes this programme different?

This programme will work on both the practical steps AND the emotional side of how we feel about money. I am not a big lover of courses that have an end date. They leave you hanging right when you start to see change and implement life-changing actions… your course has finished and you are hungry to dive deeper. So beyond the initial 9-module programme, you will have access to our Monthly Group Live Coaching Calls for an entire year. Yes, 12 months of monthly coaching sessions with me!

 What happens after I complete the online training?

You will be fully supported by Catherine and our Wealth empowerment team in our Facebook group throughout your 12 months in the Wealthy Woman School®. 

After that, you can decide if you are ready to progress to our Wealthy Woman Experience to focus on scaling your wealth or if you want to continue to be supported in the school for an additional 12 months at a cost of only £497 per annum. This is optional. We will contact you before your renewal.

 When do the monthly group coaching calls start with Catherine?

These happen each month so as soon as you enrol in the Wealthy Woman School®. All these sessions are recorded for your ease. 

 Will the live group monthly coaching calls be recorded?

Yes absolutely. We know how busy life can get. It is uploaded to your members area and you can download an app to watch these on the go. 

 I am in the early stages of my business and not making much money at the moment, is this for me?

Yes. The program is suitable for women at all stages of business, whether your business is small or large. Some of the women in our community don't have a business, and are working in full time jobs. Whether you are making £500 per month or £20k per month , this programme will help you hold onto and make more money. It is not about the amount of money you are currently making. It is about your commitment and readiness to transform how you feel, behave and grow wealth. 

 When does the programme start?

You get immediate access to several pieces of training to get started. The rest are then released in stages for you over 3 months so that you can work through them at a good pace. 
Disclosure: Catherine Morgan Limited may receive financial compensation from a merchant if a reader chooses to purchase goods/services via links on this website. You are in no way obligated to make any purchases and there is no additional cost to the reader by using these links. I am always honest in my opinions and will only recommend products or services that I have either used myself, or that I believe could be of benefit to readers. Any information given on this site is not to be taken as Financial advice and is therefore not regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
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